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The Top Up Stipend

The supplemental Top Up stipend no longer requires students to hold teaching appointments in order to receive the award. PhD students in the humanities and social science programs of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences are eligible to receive four terms of Top Up stipend for use between the departmental G3 and G6 years. Students in the East Asian languages and civilizations program have three terms of eligibility for the Top Up stipend. The award stipend will pay $7,265 per term for the 2024-25 academic year. 

The purpose of the supplement is to ensure that students with guaranteed funding do not have to teach more than two standard sections per term to receive stipend-level financial support, while also not penalizing students if they elect to teach more than two standard sections per term. Similarly, it ensures that students who are pursuing alternate forms of employment––such as Research Assistantships––or who are supported by external research fellowships also have the option to supplement these income sources should the external income source allow for combination with other stipend funding. Eligible students indicate their desire to receive this stipend each year through the Student Aid Portal.  

For questions about your teaching supplement, please consult your financial aid officer

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