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Title IX and Gender Equity

Harvard University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment

Harvard University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the University community is excluded from, or denied the benefit of, any University program or activity because of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity 

As Harvard Griffin GSAS’s Title IX Resource Coordinators, we are part of a network of over 50 Title IX Resource Coordinators at Harvard who address issues of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct and work together to carry out the University’s commitment to providing a positive learning, teaching, and working environment for the entire community.  

As the two Title IX Resource Coordinators working within Harvard Griffin GSAS, we: 

  • receive disclosures concerning concerns of a sexual and/or gender-based nature 
  • provide supportive measures 
  • serve as resources for questions about sexual harassment, including sexual assault, and other sexual misconduct. 

We address questions and concerns about issues relating to sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct, even if you are unsure if a policy has been violated. You can contact us to discuss: 

  • general information about how sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct policies and procedures work at Harvard 
  • concerning situations in which you experienced or may have witnessed harassment 
  • concerning situations in which you were a bystander or witness 
  • concerns about your own actions 
  • customized training, workshops, or initiatives for your department or group. 

We care about Harvard Griffin GSAS students’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Should you wish to connect with us, please reach out via email or phone. 

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