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Brandon Campbell in his lab
Chemist and Harvard Griffin GSAS PhD candidate Brandon Campbell
Photo by David Salafia

Recent News


A New Standard of Care

Through her critical study of the foster care system, PhD student Emma Ebowe addresses larger questions about the role of the state in intimate family life, how to best support those in need, and how social service institutions could better work toward social justice.  

A little girl is sadly looking into her empty bowl

Gauging the "Pygmalion Effect”

Nina Beguš, PhD ’20, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, says an ancient myth lies at the core of a technology that is rapidly changing the way humans live and work: artificial intelligence.

Nina Begus
REAL GENIUS: Nina Beguš’s book, Artificial Humanities, which will be published in fall 2025, explores how the humanities—literature, history, and art— can deepen our understanding of artificial intelligence and its development.

Complex Recipe

The history of the Caribbean over the last 500 years is often portrayed as one of colonization versus liberation. In her new book, Culinary Colonialism, Caribbean Cookbooks, and Recipes of National Independence, Keja Valens, PhD ’04, looks at the region and its people through a more complex lens.

Keja Valens
Photo by Tony Rinaldo

Doing As the Romans Did

Gender complexity and instability are frequently mapped as a contemporary development and an import of the ideological left. Historian Ben Dunning, '05, says the truth is far more interesting: early Christian texts saw sexuality and gender not as givens but rather as thorny questions to think through. 

Ben Dunning sitting on chair
Photo by Mark Ostow

Reframing the Landscape

A writer and historian of art, film, and visual culture, Becca Voelcker looks underneath aesthetics to understand the politics, economics, and social history of extraction and change.

Becca Voelcker
Photo by Jen Flynn
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