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Film and Visual Studies

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A student enrolled in a PhD program in the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may achieve formal recognition for completing a secondary field in film and visual studies. The following requirements must be met to complete this secondary field.


  • Completion of four graduate-level courses in film and visual studies with honors grades of B+ or above.
  • One of these courses is required:
    • AFVS 272: Proseminar in Film and Visual Studies
  • Three other courses must be selected from among graduate courses taught by faculty of the Graduate Committee on Film and Visual Studies. The director of graduate studies will make a list of approved graduate seminars available at the beginning of each academic year.


Successful completion of an examination or alternative means of demonstrating mastery in the field of film and visual studies is also required. The particular form of examination or alternative means of demonstrating for secondary field students mastery will be agreed upon by the DGS in film and visual studies and the DGS in the student’s home PhD department. This demonstration of mastery might be part of a departmental general or field examination, or it might be combined with departmental requirements in some other way. One or more members of the Graduate Committee on Film and Visual Studies will conduct and adjudicate the portion of the preliminary examination devoted to film and visual studies, and the results will be reported to both DGSs.


Students interested in declaring a secondary field in film and visual studies should consult with the FVS DGS as early as possible. At this time, a plan of study should be prepared and submitted to the DGS, to be approved by the Committee on Film and Visual Studies as well as the student’s home department.

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