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Student Group Disciplinary Process

Last Updated

All recognized Student Groups, leaders, and members are required to abide by all policies at Harvard Griffin GSAS and Harvard University. 

Concerns that a recognized Student Group at Harvard Griffin GSAS has not upheld University or Harvard Griffin GSAS policies should be brought to the Student Center staff at

The Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discuss disciplinary matters related to individual students or Student Groups with anyone other than the individuals themselves or leaders of the groups in question. The Student Center staff must be kept up to date on Student Group leadership transitions to ensure continuity throughout the process and outcomes if applicable. When determining appropriate disciplinary outcomes, the Student Center staff will consider the incident and its context and any prior disciplinary findings; these factors can be considered part of any response. 

  1. Process: Any member of the Harvard community can submit a report of an incident and alleged policy violations to the Student Center at  
  2. Review: The Student Center staff will review the report of incident/violation and, if necessary, will collect any supporting evidence. If warranted, reports could be considered by the Administrative Board. 
  3. Outcome: Following a thorough review, and in consultation with various Harvard Griffin GSAS and University offices, the Student Center staff will determine the appropriate method of corrective action. 
  4. Appeal: Student Groups will be able to appeal a decision within 10 business days to the Dean of Students if they believe new information has come to light that may impact the decision. 

Possible Outcomes 

  1. Warning: Formal communication from the Student Center staff notifying the Student Group of a violation and that another violation likely will result in a more severe outcome. 
  2. Period of Probation: Probation is a period during which the Student Group is given the opportunity to demonstrate its ability to abide by all applicable policies and procedures.  
    1. An outcome of Probation may be accompanied by a period during which the Student Group’s privileges are suspended, for example, accessing room booking, participating in Harvard Griffin GSAS events/programs (such as the Student Involvement Fair or Dine with Student Leaders event) or other appropriate restrictions. If the Student Group is found responsible for violating any policies during the probation period, the Group may be subject to additional sanctions including suspension or loss of recognized status. 
  3. Suspension of Recognized Status: Suspension of recognized status is a designated period of time during which a Student Group loses recognition from Harvard Griffin GSAS and Harvard University and all privileges of recognized Student Groups including access to University benefits and services. After the designated period of suspension, the Student Group may petition to the Student Center staff for approval to apply for Registration. The petition must demonstrate that the Student Group has abided by the terms of suspension. 
  4. Permanent Loss of Recognized Status: A Student Group that has permanently lost recognition status must cease all Student Group activities and lose all privileges of a recognized Student Group. The name of the Student Group and all symbols associated with Harvard University will be removed from all Harvard University property including Harvard’s websites. The Student Group is prohibited from, among other things, using Harvard Griffin GSAS name and shield. There will be no opportunity for a Student Group that permanently loses recognized status to regain the status through the Recognition process. 
    1. Individual Student Group leaders may be referred to the Administrative Board for potential discipline for their individual involvement in a Student Group’s violation of Harvard Griffin GSAS or University policy.  

Resources and Support 

Resources for Student Group leaders can be found on the Student Leader Resource Hub on Harvard Griffin GSAS Engage website. Leaders can also reach out to the Student Center ( for support and assistance. 


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