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TAP Canvas Site Launches

Dear GSAS Students,

I’m delighted to announce the launch of a Canvas site dedicated to advising. Developed by The Advising Project, the site is designed to help students and faculty better navigate their advising relationships. Students and faculty will find quick tips and conversation starters related to advising best practices, along with tools, reading recommendations, and stories from current and former GSAS students. All materials are grounded in the latest literature on advising and mentoring and are meant to provide concrete strategies for improving advising relationships across GSAS.

I have also shared this important resource with Harvard faculty who advise graduate students.

Effective advising is one of the most important aspects of graduate student experience. I hope you find this site useful as you navigate your academic career.

With all best wishes,
Emma Dench
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History and of the Classics

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