Harvard Griffin GSAS offers housing in Perkins Hall for summer 2025. The summer 2025 online application will open on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Summer housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and priority is given to current residents of our halls. The process below outlines our summer 2025 housing assignment process, contract, and cancellation policy. If you are graduating in May 2025 or beginning as a full-time graduate student in Fall 2025, you are not eligible to apply. There is no mandatory meal plan as part of the Harvard Griffin GSAS summer housing contract.
Important: Our office does not provide partial summer contracts and we do not pro-rate summer room fees based on duration of stay.
The Office of Residential Life and the facilities team perform necessary maintenance projects during the summer; students who sign our summer housing contract should expect some disruption accordingly.
Assignment Process
Summer housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given to current residents of our halls and to students who can commit to the entirety of the summer housing contract (Friday, May 23, 2025, to Friday, August 1, 2025). If you are graduating in May 2025 or beginning as a full-time graduate student in Fall 2025, you are not eligible to apply.
If you currently live in Perkins, we strongly recommend submitting a summer application as soon as possible so that our office is able to reassign you to your current room. Current Perkins applicants who apply later in the spring will likely need to be assigned to another Perkins room after initial summer assignment rounds have been communicated.
Please note that not all rooms in Perkins will be available for summer assignments. Our office will assign rooms based on preferences submitted on the application, but not all students will receive their top preference based on supply and demand.
Move-in will begin at noon (EDT) on Friday, May 23, 2025. Move-in will operate on a rolling basis based on room turnover timelines. It is imperative that all summer residents remain on campus between Thursday, May 22, 2025–Friday, June 6, 2025.
Summer Housing Fees
Summer room fees are billed in two installments:
- A $150 nonrefundable housing deposit is billed at the time of assignment. This $150 deposit is charged whether or not a student accepts the summer room.
- The remainder of the room fee is billed in early July.
The summer housing fees for 2025 are:
- Perkins small room: $2,750
- Perkins large room: $3,410
Cancellation Policy
Our assignment process assumes that all students who are assigned a room will accept. All cancellation requests must be made via email to the Office of Residential Life.
- If you would like to revoke your application without being charged the $150 deposit fee, you may do so in writing to gsasreslife@fas.harvard.edu by 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Friday, February 14, 2025.
- Students will lose the $150 deposit fee if they have been assigned a room and decline the room offer on or before the room offer response deadline.
- Students who cancel on or before Friday, May 2, 2025 will lose the $150 deposit fee and be charged a $150 cancellation fee.
- Students who cancel after Friday, May 2, 2025 must pay all room fees until the vacancy is filled, will lose the $150 deposit fee, and be charged a $150 cancellation fee.