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Update on Harvard Library

Dear GSAS Students,

As you know, the Harvard Library announced the closure of multiple locations last Friday. In keeping with Harvard’s continued safety measures related to the Coronavirus Disease, the Library has announced the closure of additional locations and that the borrowing of physical materials has been suspended until further notice. This affects library locations at FAS, GSD, HDS, HGSE, HLS, HMS, and HKS. Those using HBS libraries should check the HBS website for updated information, and you can find more details on each library's website. The Harvard Library’s Coronavirus page contains more information as well as options to connect online.

I know that many of you rely on library access for your research, especially those finishing up dissertations, and you may have concerns about how the Library’s closure—and, indeed, other changes that affect research activities—will impact your academic progress. GSAS is reviewing existing academic policies and considering longer-term issues that may arise, given the extraordinary circumstances. I will be in touch with an update as guidance becomes available.

With all best wishes,

Emma Dench
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History and of the Classics

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