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GSAS Reunion Celebrates 60 Years of Biophysics at Harvard

On April 12, current students and alumni came together to celebrate biophysics.

On April 12, current students and alumni came together to celebrate biophysics - a program that encourages creativity, innovation, and cross-disciplinary study.

Jim Hogle biophysics reunion

James Hogle kicked off the biophysics reunion. Hogle, who will retire at the end of this year, wears many hats at Harvard. He is the chair of the biophysics graduate program, the Edward S. Harkness Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, and faculty dean of Dudley House.


Lila Gierasch and Benjamin Altheimer biophysics reunion

At a collegial student poster session, current students shared their research with alumni of the biophysics program. Lila Gierasch, PhD ’75, and distinguished professor in the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at UMass Amherst, speaks with a Benjamin Altheimer, PhD student in biophysics.


Yasmine Ndassa and Pranav Misra at biophysics reunion

Yasmine Ndassa, PhD ’08, asks a question of Pranav Misra, PhD student in biophysics.


Martha Bulyk biophysics reunion

Alumni working inside and outside of academia share their successes and “famous failures.” Martha Bulyk, PhD ’01 (center), and incoming co-chair of the Harvard biophysics graduate program, reminded the group about the importance of sharing scientific knowledge with the public: “Tell your neighbors, tell everybody what you are doing and why it’s important.”


Amir Bitran biophysics reunion

Amir Bitran, PhD student in biophysics (center), looks on with delight as his composition When DNA Makes Loops is performed for the first time in North America.


Callithumpian Consort biophysics reunion
Callithumpian Consort biophysics reunion

The Callithumpian Consort performing PhD student Amir Bitran’s work, When DNA Makes Loops.

Watch the full performance of When DNA Makes Loops.

biophysics reunion

A reception in the Faculty Club closes out a day celebrating science, collaboration, and connection.

Photos by Tony Rinaldo

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