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Research Scholar Initiative

The Research Scholar Initiative is a post-baccalaureate program that helps scholars enhance their competitiveness and preparation for a doctoral program.

The Research Scholar Initiative (RSI) strongly encourages applications from students from groups underrepresented in the academy.

Through the RSI, individuals interested in pursuing a PhD can participate in mentored research and training opportunities in one of six programs at Harvard: 

RSI Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the purpose of the Research Scholar Initiative?  

The Research Scholar Initiative helps scholars build skills, gain experience, and/or undertake coursework to enhance their competitiveness and preparation for a doctoral program. 

Am I eligible to apply for the program?  

In order to apply for the program, you must be a US citizen or permanent resident. You must also have completed your bachelor's degree by the start date of the program (July) and not be enrolled in any other degree granting or post bacc program.  

Can I apply to a Harvard PhD program and RSI in the same admissions cycle? 

No, applicants may only apply to a Harvard PhD program or RSI, not both. Additionally, application materials and recommendation letters previously submitted cannot be transferred to an RSI application. 

Are international students eligible to apply to the program?  

Unfortunately, no. Due to funding restrictions, we are only able to accept US citizens and permanent residents.  

What are the application requirements?

  • Online application questionnaire
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose* and personal statement
  • CV or resume
  • Unofficial transcript(s)

*In your statement of purpose, please include the names of three to four faculty you would like to work with and why, if admitted into the program.

I am interested in pursuing an MD/PhD. Would this program be a good fit for me?  

The life science track of RSI is designed for students interested in pursuing a PhD and therefore does not provide support for MD applicants.  

Is there a minimum GPA required to apply for the program?  

No, there is no minimum GPA requirement. 

When will the application be available?  

The application will be available on December 1, 2024. 

Is there a fee to apply to the program?

No, there is no fee to apply to the RSI program. 

When are admissions decisions made?  

Applicants will receive admissions decisions by late April 2025.

When does the program begin?  

The program begins on July 1, 2025. This provides time to settle in, consult with the program director(s) to determine your individualized plan for the academic year, take part in summer "boot camps" that build technical skills, and begin work as a research assistant. 

(Note: Classics research scholars who opt into the Classics Scholars-in-Training Summer Program start in June.)  

Will I receive funding if I am admitted into the program?  

Scholars are awarded a monthly stipend, health insurance, and a one-time relocation fee. If you take courses, tuition for one class per term is also covered. 

How long will I be in the program?  

Each scholar spends one to two years in the program. This is determined in consultation with the program director(s) and your faculty mentors.  

How will my time be spent in the program?  

The program is meant to build skills that will enhance your competitiveness in applying to top PhD programs in your field. Scholars will be paired with a faculty mentor and work as a research assistant, and some will also enroll in courses.  

In addition to working as a research assistant and potentially enrolling in courses, life science and SEAS scholars meet as a group once a week for paper-reading sessions, meet-the-professor events, and other skill-building workshops. Economics scholars typically join one of the many weekly workshops put on by the Department of Economics. Classics scholars can join workshops and lectures run by the department. Classics students enroll in four courses per semester, typically combining language work and research. One of the courses is expected to be a reading and research class leading to the preparation of a research paper that can be submitted as a writing sample at the time of graduate applications. 

There will also be social activities periodically to bring the group together. 

Other questions?  

Please email

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