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Udodiri Okwandu: 2022 Derek C. Bok Award Citation

Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates

Praised as a “superstar teacher,” Udodiri Okwandu has distinguished herself as an outstanding educator as well as a scholar in the Department of the History of Science, where she is a PhD student.

“Her evaluations—a 5.0 from 15 students—speak for themselves,” says Professor David Jones, who supervised Okwandu as head teaching fellow (TF) in his course Medical Ethics and History. “Head TFs often get lower evaluations, as they have to have a different relationship with students, but not in this case.” In addition to working with Okwandu during the term, Jones collaborated with her in updating the course syllabus in light of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. “She did a terrific job finding sources and authors that diversified the syllabus,” he says.

Professor Evelynn Hammonds, who supervised Okwandu in the course Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired, writes, “She was always, always on top of the material and concerned with the points that students might have trouble with, and she thought of very interesting ways to address those concerns. Her attitude was always open, welcoming, and thoughtful, and her excitement about the readings was palpable to all.”

Masterfully guiding conversations in her sections, Okwandu created a welcoming environment in which all students could feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences. She remained positive when discussions intensified, responding thoughtfully to student comments and adding valuable insights on course material.

The uniformly enthusiastic feedback from students in both courses Okwandu taught distinguished her from other TFs. “Udodiri was the saving grace of this class,” wrote one undergraduate. “Extremely engaging and kind, she is truly amazing to be around and generated so much enthusiasm for the material in a time where school is just not very engaging.” Another said, “In my previous courses, I usually don’t find section any more enjoyable than lecture. However, I looked forward to Udodiri’s section because she created such an inclusive environment that encouraged everyone to participate without putting anyone on the spot.”

Okwandu’s kindness, understanding, and warmth made students feel less like they were in an academic setting and more like they were having a discussion among friends about serious topics. “Udo perfectly spotlighted the most fascinating and compelling moments from the lectures and readings and made sure we got as much from section as possible and left with even more to think about,” one student wrote. “She’s a treasure!”

Udodiri Okwandu, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is pleased to present you with the Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates. Congratulations!

Photo by Tony Rinaldo

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