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Meet the 2019 Commencement Marshals

Each year, the Graduate Student Council chooses eight graduating students as Commencement marshals. On the morning of Commencement, these students help the GSAS deans organize the procession from the GSAS Breakfast with the Deans into Harvard Yard. Walking at the head the procession, they proudly carry the banners of GSAS, SEAS, and Dudley House as they lead the graduating class into Tercentenary Theatre. It is a wonderful tradition and considered an honor to be chosen as Commencement marshal.

Nominations are made by members of the GSAS community, including students, the nominee’s department administrator, or Harvard faculty. The 2019 Commencement Marshals are: 

  • Darcy Frear, PhD, Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology
  • Rujing Huang, PhD, Music
  • Yashraj Narang, PhD, Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Sindhu Carmen Sivakumaren, PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Ian T. Hill, PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Kevin Tian, PhD, Applied Physics
  • Kristin Torres, AM, Regional Studies–Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia
  • Da In (Ann) Choi, AM, Regional Studies–East Asia
Darcy Frear
Darcy Frear, PhD, Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology
Rujing Huang
Rujing Huang, PhD, Music
Yashraj Narang
Yashraj Narang, PhD, Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)
Sindhu Carmen Sivakumaren
Sindhu Carmen Sivakumaren, PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Ian T. Hill
Ian T. Hill, PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Kevin Tian
Kevin Tian, PhD, Applied Physics
Kristin Torres
Kristin Torres, AM, Regional Studies–Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia
Da In (Ann) Choi
Da In (Ann) Choi, AM, Regional Studies–East Asia
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