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PhD student funding packages may include stipends for living expenses, as indicated in their Notice of Financial Support. Questions regarding the disbursement schedule for stipends should be directed to the student’s assigned financial aid officer.

Please note that Harvard stipends cannot be disbursed unless the student has formally accepted the award and completed all required forms in the Admissions Portal (incoming students) or the Student Aid Portal (continuing students).

Stipends are disbursed to students on or around the first day of each month. For those students enrolled in the University’s direct deposit program, stipend disbursements are deposited into the designated bank account. Those without an active direct deposit agreement in place will receive stipend disbursements via paper checks, which are sent to the mailing address of record in the my.harvard student information system. It is essential that students keep the contact information in my.harvard current at all times.

Stipends are subject to US federal income tax. US citizens and permanent residents should note that their stipends are not subject to income tax withholding, so it may be necessary to make estimated tax payments over the course of the year. For more information about taxes, see the Student Financial Services website. 

There are restrictions on holding teaching appointments while receiving stipend support. Please refer to the teaching policies for more information.

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