iThenticate can be accessed using your HarvardKey. This site provides information on how to use the software and a FAQ. Uploaded documents and any similarity findings are visible only to the individual user who submits them, are stored securely, and are not added to iThenticate’s corpus.
Please also note that use of iThenticate, and interpreting any similarities it highlights, requires judgment and familiarity with the conventions in your field and the academic world. “False positives” may appear—for instance, book titles, common phrases, and even references.
Please note: Access to iThenticate is offered to students as an additional resource to support their scholarship, with the expectation that the tool is for individual use only and for the similarity checking of an author’s own work. This is not a tool to check the work of others, including undergraduate work submitted as part of a teaching fellow’s section. Only the author or co-author of a document, with an authorized Harvard account, should submit it to the application.