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Disability Access Office

The Disability Access Office serves as the central campus resource for Harvard Griffin GSAS students with clinically documented disabilities.


The Disability Access Office (DAO) serves as the central campus resource for Harvard Griffin GSAS students with disabilities and other accessibility needs who may require accommodations. DAO works in partnership with students, faculty, and staff to develop and implement accessibility plans based on individualized assessments of student need. DAO provides accommodations for coursework, housing, dining, transportation, and other aspects of student life as appropriate. For specific information about accessible residence hall housing, please contact the Office of Residential Life.

DAO is mindful of student privacy, and students are encouraged to be in touch with questions or requests for consultation, even if they are not certain what accommodations they might request. Students interested in registering with DAO are encouraged to contact DAO staff to get connected as soon as they are accepted to Harvard Griffin GSAS or at the onset of a health-related condition. To initiate this process, visit our website and fill out an online application for accommodations, which is linked on the home page. Guidelines for clinical documentation may be found on the DAO website, and such documentation should be provided directly to DAO rather than to other Harvard Griffin GSAS administrative or academic departments. 


Harvard College Disability Access Office 
Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center
1350 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-496-8707
Fax: 617-496-4448

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