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Parental Accommodation and Financial Support (PAFS)

Students of all gender identities enrolled in Harvard Griffin GSAS PhD programs are eligible for the Parental Accommodation and Financial Support (PAFS) program following a childbirth or adoption event, which provides a one-time supplemental stipend and academic adjustments.

How to Participate

At least four months in advance of the anticipated birth or adoption event, students must meet with PAFS Coordinator Lisa Simpson, Harvard Griffin GSAS assistant director of financial aid and senior admissions officer, to review guidelines, benefits, and student-specific coordination of the program. To set up an appointment, email

After meeting with the PAFS coordinator, students must notify advisors and directors of graduate studies so that appropriate arrangements can be made to cover any teaching or research responsibilities.

  • Students interested in receiving advice on how to approach these conversations should reach out to the Office of Student Services.

PAFS is not a retroactive program. Students must express interest in participating at least four months in advance of the anticipated birth or adoption event.


Eligible Harvard Griffin GSAS PhD students receive a one-time supplemental stipend payment. For the 2024–2025 academic year, the award amount is $7,484.

  • Please note that as with all other stipends, the PAFS stipend is considered taxable income. For more information, please consult the Taxes section of the Harvard Griffin GSAS website.

Students funded by government grants or other external sources are subject to the program policies established by their funding agencies. Students with external awards should contact their funding agencies for further information about possible parental accommodations.

Teaching fellows should discuss how time off will affect their teaching appointment and related income with the office or individual who made their appointment.

Academic Adjustments

While participating in PAFS, students may request up to 12 weeks of academic accommodation of their duties. Academic accommodation may vary based on G-year, department, or other attributes. Alternatively, students may also opt to take a leave of absence, as detailed in the Leave of Absence policy.

  • During the accommodation period, students may receive relief from academic requirements such as postponement of exams and course requirements.
  • Students are eligible for a departmental G-Year adjustment of one year.
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