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Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

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In addition to tuition and fees, Harvard Griffin GSAS students should budget for living expenses and other costs associated with their academic program. This page outlines what you need to know about tuition, health fees, and more.


Harvard Griffin GSAS students are required to register continuously from the time they enter the Graduate School until they receive their degree or, in the case of special students and visiting fellows, until they complete their program. Harvard Griffin GSAS charges tuition or enrollment fees based on student status. 

Master’s and PhD Students

Master’s students are charged full tuition; some programs have different cost structures. Students in some master's programs may receive grants and fellowships that cover this cost. 

PhD students are charged tuition based on a tiered tuition structure that reduces over time as they progress through their degree program. Because circumstances vary from student to student, the chart below is only a guide to potential tuition charges. PhD students may receive grants to cover the cost of tuition and fees as noted in their individualized Notice of Financial Support received upon admission. 

Students are required to register continuously from the time they enter a degree program until they receive their degree. 

Master’s and PhD Student Tuition Fee 2024–2025

TuitionFull Year Cost
Full Tuition— required first two years of study$55,656
Reduced Tuition—required third and fourth years of study$14,470
Continuation Fee—required post-fourth year of study$3,682

Note: Subject to annual increases

SEAS Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and Data Science Master’s Programs

The SEAS Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and Data Science master’s programs have different tuition structures than other degree programs in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences:

ProgramFull Year Cost
Computational Science and Engineering master of science (SM)$63,624  (one-year program)
Computational Science and Engineering master of engineering (ME)$63,624 (first year); $31,812 (second year)
Data Science master of science (SM)$63,624 (first year); $31,812 (second year: one term only)

It is not uncommon for students in the above SEAS Master's programs to elect to be less than full-time status for part of their program length. In these cases, the tuition charged would be at the following per course rates. 

Number of coursesCost/Term
Tuition for one course$7,953
Tuition for two courses$15,906
Tuition for three courses$28,859
Tuition for four courses$31,812

NOTE: In order to be eligible to receive financial aid in the form of loans, students must not fall below half-time status, which requires a minimum of 2 course per term. 

Special Students

Special students engage in coursework or a combination of coursework and research for academic credit for one term or one year only. While not candidates for any degree, special students are admitted to Harvard Griffin GSAS and access student privileges, which include a Harvard transcript with coursework and grades listed. Full tuition and student health fees are charged; Harvard Griffin GSAS does not offer financial aid, work-study opportunities, or student loans to special students. Audited courses and supervised independent research projects are charged the same tuition as courses for credit.

Payment of tuition and fees is due prior to registration.

Special Student Tuition Fee 2024–2025, Per Term Costs 

Number of coursesCost/Term
Tuition for one course$6,957
Tuition for two courses$13,914
Tuition for three courses$20,871
Tuition for four courses$27,828

Visiting Fellows

Scholars intending to conduct independent research, who hold a doctorate, have equivalent professional experience, or are advanced doctoral candidates who have completed all required coursework may register at Harvard Griffin GSAS as a visiting fellow. Visiting fellows are considered full-time research students, with access to Harvard University’s libraries and facilities, and may apply for membership in the Harvard Faculty Club. Visiting fellows are charged reduced tuition and student health fees. Harvard Griffin GSAS does not offer financial aid, work-study opportunities, or student loans to visiting fellows. Tuition cannot be waived or prorated and is non-refundable.

Visiting Fellow Tuition Fee 2024–2025

Number of monthsCost
Tuition for one academic term (five months) $7,235
Tuition for one academic year (nine months) $14,470

Health Fees

Students enrolled in a comparable health insurance plan may be eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. Waivers of the Student Health Fee may be accepted in very limited cases. Please visit the Harvard University Student Health Program website for more detailed information.

Required Harvard University Student Health Program (HUSHP) Fees

Health Plan Cost
HUSHP Student Health Fee (SHF)—Harvard University Health Services (HUHS) Fee$796/Term
HUSHP Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)—Prescription Drug Coverage and Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Hospital/Specialty$2,101/Term

Graduate Student Council Fee 

All enrolled Harvard Griffin GSAS students are required to pay an annual fee of $35 to support programs and initiatives run by the Graduate Student Council. Students who are on leave during either the fall or spring semester, pay 50% of the fee (or $17.50). This reduced fee will be charged during the semester they are enrolled. 

Other Costs

Harvard Griffin GSAS students will incur additional costs for housing and food, books and supplies, and other necessities. 

Estimated 2024-2025 Living Expenses by Budget Category

ItemMonthly Cost10-Month Cost12-Month Cost
On-Campus Without Dependents$1,950$19,500$23,400
On-Campus With Dependents$3,631$36,310$43,572
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$100$1,000$1,200

Total Estimated 2024-2025 Living Expense by Housing Type 

The chart below takes the information above in the Estimated Living Expenses by Budget Category chart and provides a sum for each housing option. 

Housing Type Monthly Cost10-Month Cost12-Month Cost
On-Campus Without Dependents$3,358$33,580$40,296
On-Campus With Dependents$5,039$50,039$60,468
Off-Campus (assumes shared housing)$3,638$36,380$43,656

This estimated budget does not include the costs of fees for required tests, application fees, or such initial expenses as home furnishings. Your individual expenses may vary from these figures. 

Family Expenses

Many graduate students are accompanied by their spouses, domestic partners, and children. Harvard Griffin GSAS maintains policies and provides access to resources that help balance family needs with the demands of graduate study. You can find a list of family resources on the Harvard Griffin GSAS website (please note some resources are specific to PhD students).

If you plan to bring your family, it is important to understand how additional family expenses will impact your budget and expected resources. Most financial aid sources, including loans, have limitations on whether family expenses can be included when determining eligibility.

You must plan ahead to ensure that you have sufficient resources to cover these costs. The chart below provides an estimate of how much you will need to support a spouse and/or dependent(s). Keep in mind this is a general budget and your personal expenses may be higher or lower, but it is a great place to start when developing your own budget.

Estimated 2024-2025 Living Expenses Budget for Families

Number of people 
10-Months Cost

12-Month Cost
Single (assumes Off-Campus)$36,380$43,656
With spouse or partner (2)$49,713$59,656
With spouse or partner plus one child (3)$58,563$70,276
Each additional child $7,033$8,440



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