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Blender schematic of visible TFLN modulator
Ryan Allen

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How Flowers Choose a Mate

"Let a thousand flowers bloom," goes the old saying. But how? Grace Burgin, a Harvard Griffin GSAS PhD student in organismic and evolutionary biology, studies the way that flowering plants selectively choose the pollen of mates.


Old Tales, New Stories

Why do novelists seem eager to revisit familiar narratives or plots and rewrite pre-existing works, as they so often were in the 20th century? And why do they like to change or revise them? 

PhD student Andrew Koenig at the Harvard English Department's Child Memorial Library, located within Widener Library
Courtesy Andrew Koenig

'Barbarians' or Big Thinkers?

The Mongols are often represented as "barbarians" and conquerors. Less well-known is their support for scholars who advanced the study of astronomy, logic, natural philosophy, and other mathematical sciences.

The Al-Mustansiriya Madrasa (college), which was built in Baghdad less than three centuries before the Mongol conquest in 1258.
Courtesy of Carina Dreyer
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