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Andrew Yegian: 2018 Derek C. Bok Award Citation

Deeply involved in teaching and serving as head TF for two classes, LS2, “Evolutionary Human Physiology and Anatomy” and SLS 16, “Human Evolution and Human Health,” Andrew Yegian, PhD student in human and evolutionary biology, has received accolades from his many students—including high Q scores, earning a 4.6 and a 4.8 for LS 2. In addition, he was a Bok Center Pedagogy Fellow for General Education for two academic years, all while remaining deeply involved in mentoring undergraduate students for senior honors theses and in the human and evolutionary biology course “Research in Human Biomechanics and Physiology.”

Andrew cares deeply about teaching not just in terms of content but also structure, revising labs to make them more interactive, thought-provoking, clear, and dynamic. “By far one of my favorite TFs at Harvard thus far (and I’ve had quite a few),” wrote one student in a Q review. “He was always enthusiastic and presented information from the lecture clearly, anticipating the difficulties we were going to have with the material before we even walked in.” As a TF, he will do anything for his students, and spends long hours doing one-on-one sessions. In class, he is engaging, funny, clear and brilliantly effective at explaining complex concepts (like metabolism, development, and biomechanics).

“Andrew really took the time to work with me when I was struggling, and was very understanding and helpful,” shared one of his students. “He really motivated me to put greater effort into the class and helped me stay enthusiastic about the material.” Another said: “Andrew was the best TF I’ve had as an undergraduate here at Harvard. There was a great balance of him teaching and us teaching ourselves and figuring out how to dissect on our own without having him hold our hands the whole way through.”

Beyond his work with students, Andrew has also been very involved with the Bok Center and with the Program in General Education to consult with Gen Ed teaching fellows. He supported Gen Ed classes through microteaching workshops, classroom observations and consultations, and midterm/end of semester feedback question design and interpretation. He has also been involved in numerous other ways with advancing TF pedagogical skills.

“In all my years here,” says Daniel Lieberman, Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Sciences, “I have rarely met a graduate student who cares as much about and been so involved with undergraduate education, while simultaneously doing brilliant research.”

Andrew, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is pleased to present you with the Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates. Congratulations!

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